A very important item in the hopebag is information on community outreach programs.  The food that you provide with a hopebag will last for only one meal.  The homeless need to know where they can go to find a place to sleep, a place to get counseling or medical services.  The homeless on the streets may not know where community outreach programs are.
The name, address, phone number and map of the outreach programs can be inserted into a Word document.  Send the document to the Hopebags webmaster and I will post the outreach program information for your city on this site.  Then others in your city that want to get involved with Project Hopebags can print the information for their hopebag.

Included in the hopebag is a flyer that gives the name, address, phone number, and map of several outreach programs that serve different groups.    The flyer should also give an indication of what services are provided at the community centers. 
Project Hopebags need your help in coming up with flyers for other cities and towns in our country.  The name , address and phone number of community outreach programs can be found in the front of most phone books.   Try to find programs that provide meals, a place to sleep, counseling, medical services and other services for men, women and children.  There are several online map sites from which you can download maps.
Project Hope Bags
Project Hope Bags
God's love will find you, wherever you are
Shelter Map